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You searched for: "Islam"


11 video results found

Muslim to Christianity
Muslim woman Converted to Christianity from Islam....
Israel - Islam
Truth about the Palestinians, Israel, Zionism and Islam....
Islam Send to Hell?
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas Christian Debater & Steve Morrison, Ph.D, director of...
Jerusalem & Islam
Dr. Mordechai Kedar of Bar-Ilan University defends the Jewishness of Jerusalem, the Jewish capital for over 3000 ye...
Christmas for a Muslim?
What is Christmas time like for a Muslim (Islam)?...
Prophecy Update 12/04/11
Prophecy update, pastor J.D. talks about the rise of Islam and the role of Islam in these last days leading up to t...
Prophecy Update 12/11/11
In this prophecy update, pastor J.D. Farag complete's part two of a teaching on the rise of Islam, and the roll of ...
Why I Love Jesus But Reject Islam
Why I Love Jesus But Reject Islam...
Hillary equates Christianity with Islam
Wretched: Hillary equates Christianity with Islam. - Todd Friel...
Israel PM Addresses UN
On September 27, 2012, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly of the United...
Challenge of Islam to Christians
The Challenge of Islam to Christians - David Pawson...


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“A God who let us prove His existence would be an idol.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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